Medical Concerns That Prevent You From Becoming a Pilot

Medical Concerns That Prevent You From Becoming a Pilot

Are you dreaming of becoming a pilot? Before jumping into the career, it’s important to be aware that there are medical concerns that might prevent you from taking flight. Medical conditions and disabilities can disqualify potential pilots according to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations, so understanding these parameters is essential in determining whether or not flying is an option for you. 

From heart issues to mental health considerations, let’s review some common considerations for would-be aviators and provide insight into how these challenges may be overcome. 

Vision Impairment

According to the FAA, first-class airline pilots must meet certain vision requirements based on pilot class.

The ability to pass a vision test is essential for pilots. Different medical standards apply for first-, second-, and third-class pilots:

Distant Vision

  • First- and Second-Class: 20/20 or better
  • Third-Class: 20/40 or better

Near Vision

  • First-, Second-, and Third-Class: 20/40 or better

Intermediate Vision

  • First- and Second-Class: 20/40 or better
  • Third-Class: no requirement

For pilots, good vision is imperative. To ensure the safety of passengers and crew members, pilots need to have clear, sharp vision. During a standard vision test, pilots are assessed for their ability to see at a distance, to detect colors accurately, and to perceive depth. 

Color Blindness

Not all categories of color blindness will prevent you from becoming a pilot. There is a color assessment pilots must take and pass, but if you can see the colors necessary for safe maneuvering and performance, you are not disqualified. Colors pilots typically need to be able to register include:

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Red
  • White
  • Yellow

Any deficiencies in these vision areas could spell disaster in the cockpit. Being able to pass a vision test is absolutely essential for pilots – but remember that corrective lenses are permitted. So, if contact lenses or glasses allow you to pass a test, you shouldn’t be disqualified from training as a professional pilot.

Hearing Impairment

Pilots must be able to hear and respond to verbal commands from air traffic control and crew members.

Communication is key when it comes to flying, and pilots must be able to hear and respond to verbal commands from air traffic control (ATC) with speed and precision.

The FAA hearing test includes practical demonstrations of the potential pilot being able to hear a conversational voice in a quiet room, and being able to hear an examiner with their back turned.

Every second counts when navigating the skies, and any miscommunication or misunderstanding can put passengers and crew in danger. Being able to hear and understand instructions clearly is crucial in ensuring a safe flight, especially in situations when quick decisions need to be made. Whether dealing with inclement weather, mechanical issues, or unexpected turbulence, hearing is one of the pilot’s most valuable assets. It’s what helps them stay connected and focused on their surroundings, enabling them to fly with confidence and competence.

Mental Health Issues 

Psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder can disqualify a person from becoming a pilot.

Flying a plane requires a sharp mind and keen attention to detail, which is why pilots undergo rigorous physical and mental examinations before taking to the skies. Unfortunately, certain mental health issues can disqualify a person from becoming a pilot, including anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. 

These psychiatric disorders can affect a person’s ability to concentrate, make critical decisions, and handle stress effectively, all of which are essential qualities for a pilot. While it may seem unfair to some, these regulations are put in place to ensure the safety of everyone on board and the ground. At the end of the day, the priority is to have pilots who are fit to fly and capable of handling any situation that may arise during what can be an intense work week with unusual hours.

For help learning effective coping skills for depression, start HERE with Corner Canyon Counseling. There is help for overcoming mental health issues, including therapy, medication, and more.

Physical Health Conditions 

Any health conditions that cannot be managed or monitored medically can prevent someone from becoming a pilot.

Airline companies have strict medical requirements that potential pilots must meet before they can get behind the controls. Heart conditions that cannot be managed or monitored medically can prevent someone from becoming a pilot. This is because pilots have significant responsibility for controlling the aircraft and ensuring the safety of passengers and crew. 

Other medical conditions that can prevent someone from earning a pilot’s license include:

  • Angina Pectoris
  • Cardiac Valve Replacement
  • Cardiac Pacemaker
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Heart Replacement
  • Myocardial Infarction

While it can be disappointing for individuals with health conditions who dream of becoming pilots, there are still many other ways to contribute to aviation and live an exciting life. If there’s something you can correct when it comes to your health, it’s worth devoting the time and effort so you can be on your way to earning a pilot’s license. While FLT Academy estimates it takes up to five years to earn an Airline Transport Pilot license, the timeline can vary when you’re working on improving your health to qualify.

Drug or Substance Abuse Problems

Illegal drug use or abuse of prescription medications can disqualify an individual from flying.

Drug or substance abuse is a serious issue, especially when it comes to careers that require a high level of responsibility and safety. Illegal drug use or abuse of prescription medications can have serious consequences, including disqualification from flying. Pilots are entrusted with the lives of their passengers, and a single lapse in judgment due to drug use could have catastrophic consequences. 

Pilots must undergo random drug and alcohol testing to ensure they’re qualified to work. Even when working and living in a state where marijuana use is legal, if a pilot tests positive they can be exempt from flying. 

There is hope, however, that past drug and alcohol abuse will not affect your ability to become a pilot. If you’ve overcome addiction, The Solida Foundation believes there is the possibility you can find a new job after rehab and counseling, whatever it is you’ve set your mind to.

Becoming a pilot requires top physical and mental health as well as adhering to air travel regulations. While individuals with physical impairments may be able to complete the training process, they may not be tagged medically fit for flying if their condition affects performance or cannot be managed or monitored when up in the cockpit. 

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