You have probably heard the terms emotional health and mental health in some point of your life, however not a lot of people know exactly what these two terms specifically refer to. Often people confuse these two for the same thing, and while they are wellness terms, they are very different from each other. Nowaday, people are looking out more for themselves, they want to have great physical and mental health as well, however, they also need to understand that being emotionally good is a sign of wellness as well. For this same reason, here is a small guide that can help people differentiate the main features of mental and emotional health.
What Is Emotional Health?
Emotional health is a term that goes hand in hand with the management of emotions. Emotional health is referred to being aware of your emotions, and having the capability to not only manage them, but also experience them in a controlled manner, and express them in a healthy way.
What Is Mental Health?
Mental health is a little more obvious term but equally as important. This term is related to your thoughts, actions, your ability to manage stress, as well as being good in the psychological area, social and emotional as well. Mental health includes a lot of things, from controlling your mood, clearing out your mind and not saturating it. Taking mental detox breaks in order to improve the wellness of your mental health. In this case, a lot of things contribute to your mental health such as sleeping a right amount of hours, avoiding stress, living a balanced lifestyle, among other things.
Are both necessary?
Absolutely, there are both complements of each other, and in order to be okay you need to respect both areas and work on improving them on a daily basis.Nevertheless, you can also be thriving in one area and having issues with the other. They both together attribute to a good mental health, however you can be mentally okay and a wreck emotionally or the other way around. The important thing is to continuously work on both together.